本公司位于中国最具经济活力的东海之滨----美丽的半岛城市玉环县,与温州隔海相望,与甬台温高速公路相连。工厂离温州机场30海里,黄岩机场60公里,海、陆、空交通十分便捷。 本公司在玉环生产基地分设两个工厂(台州震华动力有限公司、玉环力恒动力机械有限公司)集园林工具配件、通用汽油,柴油机配件及汽车发动机配件的专业制造商。生产环境优雅整洁。本公司具有很强的研发和制造能力,完善的质量保证体系和检测设备,从而形成了公司内部完整的配套运作体系。经过多年的发展,公司经营以下几大类产品: 园林工具配件类:耕地机牙箱总成、打草机刀片、割灌机、割草机齿轮箱总成、各种曲轴箱和变速箱铝压铸件、离合鼓、链轮鼓、离合器及其他五金件等系列配件。 通用汽油机配件类:各种机型摇臂总成、挺柱、推杆等。 汽车发动机配件类:摇臂总成、气门推杆。 本公司以精品为发展基础,一切为了让“顾客满意”为宗旨,贯彻全面质量管理,大力提升公司管理水平,积极参与国际经济接轨。 本公司目前主要客户是TTI公司、雅马哈(泰州)公司、三凌(上海)公司、美国科勒公司等国内外知名园林工具商和户外工具商;本公司热忱欢迎国内外新老客户光临指导,携手合作,共创美好未来。 |
Our company is located at the Yuhuan County in Zhejiang Province. The region has a well-developed transportation network. The highway Yong-Tai-Wen provides the most convenient logistics for three main cities -- Wenzhou, Taizhou, and Ningbo at Zhejiang. Goods can be directed export overseas at Ningbo Port. Wenzhou airport and Taizhou airport are located nearby about 90km and 60Km respectively away from Yuhuan. We have two factories named Taizhou Zhenhua Motive Power Co.,Ltd and Yuhuan Liheng Energy Machine Co. The manufacturing products include all kinds of components of garden tools, universal gasoline and diesel engine and automobile engine parts. Our teams have strong ability to achieve new product development, good experiences at production and industrial know-how. Accompany with a total quality management concept and advanced inspection equipments, the company has been built up an excellent quality service system to cope with various customer requirements. Since then, the two factories have been installed and equipped many machinery for die-castings, stampings and precision machining in order to enhance the production capability and quality. We have three main types of product categories: Lawn and garden products: components such as gearbox, gear case, crankcase, clutch, clutch drum and sprocket drum and various kinds of blades; where these parts are used on trimmer, chainsaw, blower, cultivator and so on. Kits for universal gasoline and diesel engine including rocker, rocker assembly, push rod, tappet and etc. Fittings for automobile engine such as rocker, rocker shaft, pushrod and chain tensioner and etc. Our company is a professional manufacturing enterprise. We have energetic engineering team, advanced industrial know-how and machinery, well-developed quality and inspection system that we have been won a great reputation in the industry. Among the customers list, TTI Group, Chongqing Yamaha Motors Company, American Kohler Group, Mitsubishi Electric Company Shanghai Branch, and Isuzu Jiangxi branch are already being our long-term partnership. The company objective is to provide expertise knowledge and high quality performance to customers with competitive cost in order to maintain a win-win result. We are your right choice.
Copyright© Yuhuan Liheng Entergy Machinery Co.,LTD. |